WOMANHOOD : The Circle

Liberate your Energy
There’s a powerful energy within you that is calling to be listened and fully felt. It’s an energy that inhabits in your most sacred home, your closest temple, your longest relationship, your wisest teacher here on Earth, and this is: your Body.
When this energy is repressed or suppressed, it manifests in our lives through over-working, tiredness, frustration, aggressiveness, bitterness, illnesses and sometimes even destructive behaviour… becoming powerless creatures left to the fate of other’s ideals and slaves of our own fears. This energy, however, when nurtured and released is your greatest treasure.
Through this work, you will learn to rise your energy and channel it in a way that empowers yourself and your life. You will feel and accept yourself in a whole new way, and most important you’ll love yourself for who you truly are as suppose to who you think you are not.

The deeply spiritual woman is naturally creative, joyful, beautiful, abundant and whole. The more she feels herself the more energy she is capable to summon and release.
This intense feminine emotional power poses a threat to the current status quo, however it is also essential in birthing a new reality where harmony is manifested here on Earth.
A spiritual woman is the greatest thread to the status quo

The way I work with the women of WOMANHOOD is not through a program, a sequence, an A to B method. Instead, I take you straight to the point, to the energy of Source inside you, inside us through the Portal of the Body.
We can use time to keep postponing our greatness and good, or we can use the present moment to reclaim Who We Truly Are.
WOMANHOOD is not a long journey of becoming, it’s a space where you get to decide you are worth of everything you deeply honour and desire.
A direct realisation of your Power. And you get to hold and stabilise this frequency for a full year, if you weaver, I got you, we got you.
This is why commitment to the Circle, WOMANHOOD, starts with commitment to yourself. I will take you to the entrance, but the decision is yours to make.
— Julia Robert

The Circle
This container is an intimate space for women who are ready to steer their energies until their frequencies become crystalline, pure.
It’s a space where you will experience massive releases of energy through somatic work and trauma informed practices, as you are be deeply held in the process.
Together, we heal ourselves, we create greatness in our life and we celebrate seeing our dreams come true.
Sessions are:
> 1h online every other
Sunday for One Year
> 1:1 session with Julia
> Telegram group for weekly follow up
Doors Next Open:
> Sunday 5th January
Apply to Join WOMANHOOD
Julia’s Inner Circle is an intimate group.
Lasts places remaining to start on
5th January 2025.

Luna, Spain
“ This container holds one of the most powerful energies in the feminine world. Julia speaks directly to my heart and guides me to move my energy in a way I have never felt before, it’s deep, it’s real, it’s powerful. ”
I have got to tap into my feminine power, this is something that was so new for me. Getting to anchor in my Truth.
I haven’t seeing or feel anything as authentic, pure and powerful as the work that Julia’s does.
It has transformed me.

Adera, USA